Welcome to my studio. It’s a place for light, color and being present to the beautiful now.
I’m a mixed media artist living in Texas. I’ve been painting for forty years now, never tiring of the humble still life. The possibilities always open up before me with each blank canvas or piece of paper. My husband is also an artist/art professor and our daughter is a graphic designer.
I paint from life as a way to slow down and really look. My work comes from a deep sense of gratitude and a longing to practice mindfulness. The still life setups are composed of daily life—finding beauty, life, energy and delight in ordinary moments and objects. I’ve been influenced by the dutch still life tradition of Vanitas, which reminds us that joy is tempered by the fleeting nature of life. I allude to this idea with my use of vintage papers collaged into images of short lived flowers, fish and vegetation.
Paint on canvas creates a lush, textured surface when combined with layers of the ephemera of map fragments, ledger paper, hymns, poetry, out dated science book pages and Little Golden Book Encyclopedia pages for children. This is a way to include other voices and viewpoints within the image, a sense of nostalgia mixed with the possibility for making a myriad of connections. The paintings invite a closer look and are experienced in different ways depending on the distance of the viewer.
Intense color, light, pattern and texture are a focus that drive me on this creative journey. Grappling with all of these ingredients feels like a very serious form of play. Joy and engagement show up in the work and are contagious. The polka dot grids and number charts refer to faith in atoms, spirit, pixels and all of the things that are hard to see that pervade the physical world, a reminder of the underlying order in all things.
Link to Exhibitions and Vitae
Where to find my art:
Studio MixHaus Gallery in Comfort, Texas
The Center for Contemporary Arts in Abilene, Texas
River Oaks Gallery in Abilene Frame N Art Galleries
Article with Moo Card
Featured in Create Magazine
Interview with the candy colored studio podcast
link here to available work in studio shop
"If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you, it will be enough."
-Meister Eckhart