Margo's Bouquet reserved
Margo's Bouquet reserved
“Margo’s Bouquet” reserved for Margo
An El Pato can with a bouquet. The flowers include a sprig of hydrangea, tiger lilies, a red peony and a pink rose. I loved creating this custom painting. One of my favorite parts of the collage is from a vintage physics book and includes the phrase “an expansion.” Life as spiritual journey is a favorite theme. Also, an inclusion of numbers from an old chart are pointers to order and underlying connection of all things.
12" by 12" mixed media painting with acrylic, and vintage paper on gallery wrapped canvas. It is wired and ready to hang without a frame . This is an original painting on a 1.5" deep gallery wrapped canvas. The sides are painted white and it is signed on the front and signed and titled on the back.
• 12”x 12"
• 1.5" deep gallery wrapped canvas, unframed
• Wired and ready to hang
• Includes USPS Priority shipping to the U.S. - International buyers, please inquire by email
• Colors shown on your screen may differ slightly from original because of monitor differences
Free USA shipping.
Shipping Time:
This painting will be carefully wrapped and shipped within 1 week of purchase. U.S. contiguous states shipping is included. Please email with any questions.