May Day Bouquet
May Day Bouquet
May Day Bouquet is one of my favorite type of florals, a jumble of flowers gathered from around the garden and casually placed in a vase. I’m particularly happy with those pinky burgundy knockout roses next to the orange iris. I used polka dot paper as well as several vintage papers including ledger paper, dictionary scraps, a hymn, and a page from a physics book about light waves.
12" by 12" mixed media painting with acrylic, and vintage paper on gallery-wrapped canvas. It is wired and ready to hang without a frame. This is an original painting on a 1.5" deep gallery-wrapped canvas. The sides are painted white and it is signed on the front and signed and titled on the back. A simple wood floater frame can be added on for an extra $50. Let me know if you want it framed. I can invoice separately for the frame.
• 12”x 12"
• 1.5" deep gallery-wrapped canvas, unframed
• Wired and ready to hang
• Includes USPS Priority shipping to the U.S. - International buyers, please inquire by email
• Colors shown on your screen may differ slightly from the original because of monitor differences
Free USA shipping.
Shipping Time:
This painting will be carefully wrapped and shipped within 1 week of purchase. U.S. contiguous states shipping is included. Please email with any questions.