Lady Jar with a Pink Bouquet


Lady Jar with a Pink Bouquet


Lady Jar with a Pink Bouquet

Thick paint and paper set the mood with this layered ginger jar bouquet. I was inspired by how the sunlight changed everything about this simple still life, making it glow.

7" by 5" mixed media painting with acrylic and vintage papers on gallery-wrapped canvas. It is wired and ready to hang without a frame. This is an original painting on a 3/4" deep gallery-wrapped canvas. The sides are painted white, and the painting is signed on the front and signed and titled on the back.

• 7”x5"
• 3/4" deep gallery-wrapped canvas
• Wired and ready to hang
• Includes shipping to the U.S.A., International buyers, please inquire by email at

• Colors shown on your screen may differ slightly from the original

Shipping Time:
This painting will be carefully packed and mailed to you within 5 days of purchase. You will receive tracking info once it is mailed. U.S. contiguous states shipping is included. Please email any questions or requests you may have to

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